Three tips to relieve negativity and boost vitality When it comes to healthy living, everything comes back to the three key pillars of a healthy life: nutrition, exercise, and a positive mindset. These pillars are beautifully empowering because they’re within your control, independent of external influences. For those managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), these foundational...
Exercises that balance energy without triggering fatigue Living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) can make exercise feel daunting. The exhaustion, fear of overdoing it, and the longing to regain lost mobility or stamina can feel overwhelming. But a gentle, exercise routine is possible—and it can recharge your energy without triggering fatigue. As a fitness trainer,...
Listen to your body A powerful strategy of care for chronic fatigue syndrome is, first of all, understanding the need to pay attention to the signals our body gives us. Know your ability; get to know when you have reached your maximum capability of working and take a break. Your body is your best guide....
This is the big question everybody with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome asks themselves. They don’t understand why they have it, what to do against it, and how to deal with the syndrome. As time goes by and the roller coaster of the aches, pains, and fatigue stays, it becomes clear to most people that they have...